Growing Strong Foundations
TRUSTING – in ourselves, our coaches and those that support us on our journey
Online registration is now open via the Roots Gymnastics customer portal. All new families will need to follow the simple prompts to create a new account and register for enrollment in the classes of their choosing. Roots Gymnastics classes are ongoing and tuition is billed on a monthly basis so families may sign up at any time – tuitions will be prorated for any enrollment created during the middle of the month. Officially, “Fall Classes” will begin on Monday August 22. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the enrollment process.
45 minute class – $65 / month
60 minute class – $70 / month
90 minute class – $95 / month
90 minute class x 2 days – $130 / month
Team tuition is relative to training hours
When I graduated from Bucknell University in 1993, I never envisioned that I would become a lifelong gymnastics coach. I finished school with an English degree and was certified to teach secondary English. I became a substitute teacher and worked additional time for my mother, who owns a successful gymnastics business, to make some extra money. Coaching was considered second fiddle and I knew that at some point I would be hired to do my “real job.”
As an educator, what I quickly realized was that coaching gymnastics was a “real job.” I was able to reach students at a much deeper level than I ever could in a classroom. So here I am 29 years later opening my own gymnastics school, and these are some things that I have learned along my journey to this point.
I like gymnastics. My involvement with the sport has provided me with a livelihood for many years and it is a really cool sport. But what I really am passionate about is not gymnastics. What I am passionate about is the connections that can be made and the lessons that can be learned through participation in this amazing sport.
If a gymnast is going to progress and be successful in gymnastics, they have to be prepared to fail over and over again. Gymnasts need a really strong foundation built upon strength, flexibility, balance, and courage. They must put themselves at risk on a daily basis. They have to trust their coaches, their parents and their teammates.They have to dig deep into their own self and decide what it is that they really want to achieve. A gymnast must be willing to be open with others and share their dreams, their joys, and their frustrations. Finally, a gymnast needs an extensive network of support to help them succeed.
Some day in the future, these young athletes will no longer be gymnasts – but the values that they will learn and the deep understanding they come to have about themselves and embrace – will be with them for the rest of their lives.
I am excited to watch Roots Gymnastics become a place where gymnasts can embark on this journey of growth and self-discovery. I am excited to have these young athletes build their foundation and grow their network of support at Roots!